Saturday, June 17, 2006


This is really preliminary and sketchy, but I was thinking this morning about how Don Ihde says in _Experimental Phenomenology_ that, once we've noticed something about an object (as when, in a "gestalt change" we see from a new perspective what are popularly thought of as optical illusions), we can never see it simply in "the old way" again. Where Kuhn talks about a radical paradigm shift, Lakatos says that kind of change happens more slowly as we take in the new information and add it to what we thought before and sometimes, over time, replace old with new. That would be true of the 3-dimensional sketches--as Ihde says, with attention to our own thought processes ("meta-cognition") and with practice, we can see both and even switch between perspectives (so it's almost like watching the object move). I think that's what Lonergan means when he talks about sublation--building upon, sometimes to the point of overturning/replacing, former beliefs.

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